Saturday, January 5, 2013

Shadows: A Collection of Poetry

In late November, 2012, I put the finishing touches on a collection of poetry I had written over a period of 30 or so years. My original intention was to compile a little something for a poetry reading to which I had been invited.  What I thought would take a couple of weeks, became a major project, and an exciting adventure. Adventure comes in many forms. There are the adventures of traveling and discovering new places or people, or of living out a long-held dream.  My life has been full of adventure for I have been one who likes to keep seeking. What's next? What's on the other side of this experience? What is beneath the surface of these emotions? What would it be like if...."

Writing and publishing Shadows: A Collection of Poetry was an adventure on several surprising levels. Fir st, compiling, rereading, and remembering what had triggered the poetry, sent me back in time and deep into my subconscious. The poetry I had written reawakened me to people, emotions, experiences, and a great deal of unsettled memories.  The poetry came out of a place within me that was quite different from my persona...the "me" I had come to believe was how the world saw me.  It reminded me of a lot of deep-seated sorrow, grief, and unresolved issues that could only find release through poetry.  

For me, poetry comes from a place inside that finds langugage nearly useless. Only by connecting to how my experience links me to the world within and around me, can I relieve myself of that which holds onto me. Writing about the effects of war, loss, separation, and longing, can only be done in small pieces. Most of the time, the source lays quiet in a place of patient acceptance, or is channeled in a flurry of activity to turn "it" into something bearable and life-affirming.   Even to try to write about what poetry means to me or what motivates me to write, is nearly impossible.  

I say nearly, as without thought or intention, some small moment, some brief glimpse or inspiration will bring a distorted, chaotic mess into focus. The glimmer of hope that shines through even the darkest moment in someone's life, will touch me. The beauty of the sun filtering through a tree, or a bird appearing at my window will bring my world back into focus. And that is all. The willingness to be open to those moments, to see the blessings in the worst of times, and to light on a branch long enough to settle into building a nest of words that can find a home in a piece of poetry. 
That's all there is. That's the grandeur and the glory of poetry.

To catch a glimpse of how some of that poetry makes its way into the nest, read a bit from Shadows: A collection of poetry

Another adventure that came out of publishing Shadows: A Collection of Poetry, was the experience of getting this book ready, from start to publication to marketing. Out of an adventure I began long ago, and a dream I had to begin my own publishing company, I also gave birth to Whales & Nightingales Press and Writing Services, a company designed to assist other poets and authors get their work prepared, published and marketed. 

For more information about Shadows, visit the Facebook Page

Shadows: A Collection of Poetry's Facebook Page.

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